Sunday, August 10, 2008

San Diego Chargers tickets - How to save money when you are buying San Diego Chargers tickets from a ticket broker

In this article, will explain to you the smart way to purchase
San Diego Chargers Tickets
from a ticket broker. Too many people just click onto a website and purchase San Diego Chargers tickets, not knowing that they could have easily saved 15% - 30% on their purchase. On a $100.00 ticket, that is a $15.00 - $30.00 savings on just 1 ticket. If you are purchasing 4 tickets, that can be a savings of over $100.00. That is an extra $100.00 that you could have actually saved or better yet,$100.00 that you could have used to buy better seats. Like anything else in life, you have to understand how the system works. So I am going to tell you.

First things first, ticket brokers are in the business of making money on tickets. That is all they do and that is all they are interested in. The price of a ticket is decided by supply and demand. There are over one thousand ticket brokers in the USA and all of the ticket brokers help one another sell tickets. It is actually a very nice system that they have. Companies like Event Inventory, which is a company, provide ticket brokers with a complete suite of products to help their business succeed. They supply ticket brokers with a website, a point of sale system so they can keep track of things like their ticket inventory, ticket accounting etc... but the most important thing that they supply is a database for all of the ticket brokers in the country to share. So if you are a ticket broker and you list your tickets in this database, your tickets will be for sale on every other ticket brokers website that also shares the database.

Here is where it is important for you, the ticket buyer to understand how easy it is to save money on San Diego Chargers tickets
As I metioned above, If a ticket broker lists his San Diego Chargers ticketsin the ticket database, his tickets will be listed on all of the other ticket brokers websites also. Well how do you think those other ticket brokers make money selling another ticket brokers tickets? Yes, you most likely answered correctly, they make money by marking up the price. Most of the time they mark the tickets up anywhere from 15% - 30%. There are a few ways they go about doing this. They will either mark up the price that you see on the ticket or they will hit you with a service charge when you are checking out. Some ticket brokers will do a combination of the 2 methods but whatever method is used, you the ticket buyer are paying more for the tickets then you could have if you could just purchase them from the original ticket seller. Now don't get me wrong, the original seller (broker) does sell his tickets for more them face value but only on his website will you find the cheapest price. Now, most of the time you are never going to find the original ticket seller if you shop on the internet. There are just too many ticket brokers and it is like finding a needle in a hay stack but a good place to start is to shop locally. When I say locally, I mean find a ticket broker who is close to the event. While ticket brokers do purchase and sell tickets to events nationwide, I can almost guarantee you that a majority of their inventory is for events nearby. This is especially true for sporting events. This is where a majority of their customers live and it most certainly is where all of their connections are.
So now you must be wondering, if a ticket broker has all of the other ticket brokers from all over the country's inventory for sale on their website, how can you tell which San Diego Chargers tickets are theirs and which tickets are the others? Well that is easy to explain. If a ticket broker actually has tickets to an event for sale that are his, they will be displayed first. All of the ticket broker websites list the tickets either by price ascending or descending by default and the tickets that they are actually holding and selling will be listed first. So you will see a group of tickets at the top of their list in either ascending or descending order and then the order will stop and start again. So they may have the first tickets listed at $100.00, then the next set is $125.00, then $150.00 that are actually holding and selling and then all of a sudden the ascending order will stop and you will see tickets for sale for $50, then $75 and so on, this second group of pricing is usually other ticket brokers tickets that he is selling on his website. Also, the tickets that the actual ticket broker is selling will usually stand out. they will have little slogans like "best buy" next to them or they will have a little asteric next to them indicating that these tickets are on sale.
NOW you must understand, when you come across San Diego Chargers tickets on a ticket brokers website that are actually that particualr ticket brokers tickets for sale, YOU WILL NOT FIND THEM CHEAPER ON ANY OTHER TICKET BROKER WEBSITE. You have found the actual seller that is holding the San Diego Chargers tickets.
That is how you can easily save anywhere from 15%-30% on tickets. There are 2 ways of going about this. You can find a ticket or tickets on one ticket broker website and if they are not the holding broker for those tickets you can go from ticket broker website to ticket broker website and try to find who is the ticket broker who actually is selling those tickets. Or you can go to local ticket broker websites and only shop for tickets that they are holding. You would do this by searching the top of their inventory lists just like I taught you how to do in the example above. Now just because a ticket broker is local does not necessarily mean that he has to be selling his own tickets to an event. So if you don't see an unusual pattern in the ticket pricing or any other things like I mentioned above indicating that those are his tickets for sale, you can simply go to another ticket brokers website and start the search all over again. The worse thing to do though is to just go onto any ticket brokers website and just purchase tickets blindly.

Here is a list of ticket brokers that carry San Diego Chargers tickets
Buy San Diego Chargers tickets at
Buy San Diego Chargers tickets at

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