Hello, my name is Mike. I like to consider myself very knowledgeable about the online ticket industry. I started my ticket life as I like to call it back in 1999 and I have been hooked ever since. I decided to start this blog to try and educate you, the buyer on how to shop for tickets online, especially if you are shopping for tickets from a ticket broker.
Did you know that if you just blindly click on an ad for tickets and purchase tickets from that website that chances are you just paid 25% more fore each ticket you purchased then you had to. It's true. When a ticket broker has a ticket for sale for let's say $100 per ticket, his tickets are displayed on over 1000 other ticket broker websites. How do you think those other ticket brokers make money? Well, the other ticket broker mark the tickets up on their website anywhere from 10% to 25%, usually the ladder. They are also tricky about it sometimes because if they do not mark the pricce up on the actual tickets themselves, they will hit you with a sevice charge when you are checking out. Some brokers will use a combination of both methods. They will only mark the tickets up a small amount and then their service charge is only a small amount. Either way, you are somehow paying more for the tickets then if you were to find the original ticket broker that is selling the tickets.
Just think, with the above example of the original ticket broker selling the tickets at $100 and the other brokers selling them for 25% more, you would be paying $125.00 per ticket when you could have had them for $100.00 per ticket. On a 4 ticket purchase you would have paid $500.00 instead of $400.00. That is $100.00 more for your ticket then you had to.
So you could have saved $100.00 or better yet, If your budget was $500.00 for the tickets, you could have had an extra $100.00 to find even better seats.
Hopefully with this ticket guide, I can help you find that original ticket seller and you can save some money on your tickets.
I also am a big fan of buying and selling tickets. I do it for a little side income and I do pretty well.
My main goal is to help you save money. I enjoy writing about it and I enjoy doing it. The great news is that it is all for free. I am hoping to make my money on this website from advertisements.
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